Relaxing Hypnosis, Reflexology & Reiki – Sessions & Classes
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Hypnosis Research – Effective Tool for Weight Loss
- “Hypnotherapy for overweight and obese patients: A narrative review”
– This study/review looked at 539 people, aged 17 to 67, within the context of 7 different studies. “Their results suggested that the use of hypnotherapy not only promoted weight reduction during the treatment period but also after treatment cessation, and in some cases, one to ten kilograms were lost during follow-up periods.” and “This use of hypnotherapy also improved respondents’ eating behavior and quality of life.” – Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 1/2021, pgs. 1-5.
- “Successful Hypnosis for Obesity”– “Eight obese adults and three children have been treated successfully with hypnosis…” and “Hypnosis is a viable, non-invasive method for treating obesity. All the above subjects have achieved or are achieving their desired weight loss.” – Internal Medicine Journal, Vol. 47, Issue 53, 5/2017, pgs. 22-23.
- “Weight loss for women: studies of smokers and nonsmokers using hypnosis …” – “Smokers and nonsmokers achieved significant weight losses and decreases in Body Mass Index. Study 2 treated 100 women.” “This multicomponent follow-up study replicated significant weight losses and declines in Body Mass Index. The overt aversion and hypnosis program yielded significantly lower posttreatment weights and a greater average number of pounds lost.” – NIH – – Psychol Rep. 1997 Jun;80(3 Pt 1):931-3. doi: 10.2466/pr0.1997.80.3.931. PMID: 9198396.
- “Effects of Self-Conditioning Techniques (Self-Hypnosis) in Promoting Weight Loss in Patients with Severe Obesity” – “A similar weight loss was observed in the intervention, … and control … arms …. However, habitual hypnosis users lost more weight … and greatly reduced their caloric intake … in linear regression models.” – Obesity – A Research Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 9, 9/2018, pgs. 1422-29.
Virtual Gastric Band VGB Hypnosis Program – 5 Sessions – Reg. Price is: $675, SALE Price: $599
Relaxing Healing Sessions! Available Virtually!
At Hypnosis Virginia, we offer many Reiki and IET Healing Sessions and training, according to our client’s preferences of course! Most people find these sessions very relaxing, some even fall asleep, and generally the feeling afterwards is ‘lighter.’ (Read More)
Smoking or VAPING Cessation 5 Sessions – $599 reg. $749
Need to quit Smoking? If you need to ‘kick that nasty habit’ hypnosis could be really helpful! Hypnosis has been most beneficial in the areas of Smoking and Weight Loss, as well as other habits. (Read More)
Hypnosis Research – Effective Tool for Smoking Cessation
- “Hypnotherapy is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation”
- “Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion”
- “Weight loss for women: studies of smokers and nonsmokers using hypnosis …”
- “Guided Health Imagery for Smoking Cessation and Long-Term Abstinence”
“Freedom from smoking: Integrating hypnotic methods and rapid smoking to facilitate smoking cessation”
Conditions of Smoking Cessation Program – $599 must be paid prior to 1st session, Book on and book your 1st appointment.
Smoking Cessation Program – 5 Sessions – Reg. Price is: $749, SALE Price: $599
Pricing and Scheduling is on
Hot Flash Hypnosis – 4 sessions $469
Many women experience hot flashes, and some even have night sweats too. For many, this is a very uncomfortable thing and there is much research out now that shows hypnosis positively supports women on this issue. So, if you need to some assistance, hypnosis is something that is both alternative and complementary. And, Hypnosis is also the most researched in the areas of both Smoking and Weight Loss, as well as other habits. (Read More about Hot Flash Hypnosis)
Hot Flash Hypnosis Program – 4 Sessions – Reg. Price is: $550, SALE Price: $469
Hypnosis Research Studies and Articles – Menopause, Hot Flashes –
- NIH – “Randomized trial of a hypnosis intervention for treatment of hot flashes…” – “Sixty female …. survivors with hot flashes were randomly assigned to receive hypnosis intervention (five weekly sessions) or no treatment.” All (51 women in total) had at least 14 hot flashes per week, for at least one month. There were: “Significant improvements in self-reported anxiety, depression, interference of hot flashes on daily activities, and sleep were observed for patients who received the hypnosis intervention … in comparison to the no treatment control group.” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 11/2008, 26(31) pgs. 5022-6.
- NIH – “Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopause” – “…[H]ypnosis is a mind-body intervention that has consistently shown to have a clinically significant effect on reducing hot flashes. NIH, PubMed, Jounal Evidence Based Integrative Medicine, 1-12/2019, 24(25).
- BHC Comp. Med – “OA14.05. Hypnosis for hot flashes: results from a randomized clinical trial and future directions”– “Hypnosis is one mind-body therapy that seems particularly promising for treating hot flashes and was investigated in the present study.” This study looked at 170 women with severe hot flashes, with 5 hypnosis sessions. Result: “…[H]ypnosis intervention decreased by approximately 70% at 5 weeks and continued to decline to approximately 80% at the 12 week follow-up. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012; 12(Suppl 1): O57.
- NIH – “Hypnosis for hot flashes among postmenopausal women study” – This study looked at 180 (post-menopausal) women, 5 sessions of hypnosis, over a 12 week period. “Hypnosis Intervention will receive a hypnotic induction at each session and a CD recording of a hypnotic induction. The hypnotic induction will follow a well-defined standard transcript but will include mental imagery for relaxation and coolness based on preferences of the participant and encouragement to practice hypnosis on a daily basis with and without the recording.” Gary R. Elkins, BMC Complement Altern Med, 11/2011, 11:92.
- The Atlantic – “Study: Hypnotherapy Reduces Hot Flashes” – “Learning how to find a mental “safe place” cut hot flashes by 75 percent.” – This was a study of 187 women with at least 7 hot flashes per day, and about half used hypnosis, with 5 sessions, 1 each week. The hypnosis centered on ‘coolness’ and relaxation. The other have of the women had a placebo effect only, no hypnosis. The hypnosis group had 75% less hot flashes, while the placebo effect was about 13% overall. The Atlantic, Lindsay Abrams, 10/25/12.
- WebMD – “Hypnosis Halts Hot Flashes for Some Women” – “Hypnosis is an effective treatment for menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats...” and “…reducing hot flashes by 74%.” Hot flashes are a reaction of lowered estrogen. WebMD, Louise Chang, MD, 10/26/12.
Pricing and Scheduling is on
Certified Hypnosis Classes – Distance/Virtual Training Sessions!
National Guide of Hypnotists NGH – Become a CCH
– Certified Consulting Hypnotist in 9 days! (Read More) Virtual Training NOW!
Certified Holy Fire III® Reiki Training –
Virtual Training Sessions NOW available!
• Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki
• Holy Fire® III Reiki Master (Read More)
• Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki Master Reiki Classes
• Violet Flame Reiki Master (Read More)
• Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master(Read More)
• Reiki Healing for Animals (Read More)
ALL of Hypnosis Virginia Classes offer NURSING Certification CE’s via CEU Network for most states!
Current Events Listing –
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Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki Group Practice – Virtual (Read More)
Learn IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy hands on healing techniques
• Basic IET® (Read More)
• Intermediate IET® (Read More)
• Advanced IET® (Read More)
Distance/Virtual Training Sessions NOW available for these IET Clases –
• Steps to Transformation I (Read More) ON ZOOM!
• Steps to Transformation II (Read More) ON ZOOM!
• IET® for Pets (Read More) ON ZOOM!
• Healing Angels of the IET® Field Meditations (Read More) ON ZOOM!
Animal Healing Classes – Virtual Training Sessions NOW available!
• IET® for Pets – Cats, Dogs, Horses (Read More) ON ZOOM!
• Reiki Healing for Animals (Read More) Coming Soon!
• Dowsing for Animal Healing – Read More Coming Soon!
Other Classes –
Virtual Training Sessions NOW available!
• Dowsing (Read More) ON ZOOM!
• Healing with Crystals (Read More) Coming Soon!
• Tuning Fork Therapy (Read More) Coming Soon!
Spring Forest QiGong (SFQ) Group Practice Virtual (Read More)
See our listing on: Spring Forest QiGong Practice Group
ALL of Hypnosis Virginia Classes offer NURSING Certification CE’s via CEU Network for most states!
703 851-7954 Call today! Zoom Sessions Available NOW!
Helen A. Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt , owner of Hypnosis-Virginia, is a highly experienced & successful Board Certified Hypnotist, and Certified Reflexologist. You can read about all her credentials here About Helen Bramow.
Zoom Sessions Available Contact us Now!
703 851-7954
Virtual Training Sessions NOW available!
Relaxing Reflexology Sessions!!
Virtual Sessions only.
- Reflexology Sessions – 60 min. $89 (NO foot injuries or foot diseases), 1 session $89
- Reflexology Sessions – 60 min. – 2 sessions – $149 (NO foot injuries or foot diseases), 2 sessions $149
- Reflexology Sessions – 30 min. $45 (NO foot injuries or foot diseases), 1 session $45
- Reflexology Sessions – 30 min. – 3 sessions – $120 Package (NO foot injuries or foot diseases), 3 sessions $120
- Reflexology Sessions – 40 min. $65 (NO foot injuries or foot diseases), 1 session $65
- Reflexology Sessions – 40 min. – 3 Sessions – $149 Package (NO foot injuries or foot diseases) (Read More)
Current Pricing and Scheduling is on:
Please visit our other sites – [schedule_now_button style=’lt_green3_md’] Hypnosis-Virginia
Avatar Natural – Coming Soon!
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Disclaimer and Refund Policy
NO HEALTH CLAIMS ARE MADE and user accepts any associated risks.
Disclaimer: Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP, is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Instructor. Helen Bramow is NOT medical and does not diagnose nor treats medically. No course, service, or product offered by Health for Life, LLC or its duly authorized representatives is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference, to be a substitute or replacement for competent, traditional, licensed, professional medical care. There are no guarantees on any service or product, unless stated otherwise.
Shipping: Domestic: Product totals less than $40, shipping is $9.00. For product totals $40.00 or more, shipping is $13.00. Shipping prices, as well as services prices, are prone to change periodically.
Health for Life, LLC has a strict No Refund Policy. Prices listed on the Internet are subject to owner’s discretion and may change.
Class/Event Refunds: Deposits/payments are non-refundable but can be applied towards a future class/event, if notice is given within 2 weeks prior to the event.