Past LIfe Hypnosis


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Hypnosis – thoughts swirling around

  Past Life Hypnosis

By all accounts, most of us (our souls) have lived something like 800 – 900 lives!  So, that’s really a lot of past life information.  How do we navigate this super highway of the past, or future, whatever the case may be?  We start, of course, with the present life and work backwards to childhood, then as a baby, back into the womb and finally, way back.  The goal is always set by the client and this particular type of hypnosis is called ‘regression’ for obvious reasons.

Some people may visit many interesting other lives, while some get much little information and need more time or a deeper trance state to achieve less resistance.  Whatever happens, it is all given to you when you are meant to have the information.  It is not unusual to go to Atlantis, Greece, Russia, and much older civilizations and to bring back wonderful insights and knowledge.  However, every visit is a personal one and we can’t say what someone will ‘get’ or not.  

How long does it take?

It usually takes longer than the average hypnosis session, about 45 – 60 min just for trance, and then we include some relaxation techniques and the interview process.  So, the whole session is about 90 min average, can be as long as 2 hours.  If a client is in a really good spot, it is better not to cut the session short.

How many sessions does it take?

It depends on the client’s target goal, of course, but usually 1 – 3 sessions is a good estimate.  It really depends on the goal and what the client is working towards.  Some clients are just CURIOUS, and will only do 1 session, but really past life regression hypnosis is used to retrieve past information, and valuable for many things.

What happens during a Past Life Regression?

Edgar Caycle said that the body is storage and the mind is the creator.  So, it is thought that memories of all lifetimes, including deaths scenes and all traumas, are held somewhere in the body.  Past life regression revisits these areas, and can function as a sort of healing or energy releasement when done properly.  It is thought to be a way to get to the ROOTS of what holds up back, blocks us in our present time, so that we can release and move forward, as in all energy or healing work.  It is done using Guided imagery.

Guided Imagery and Healing
I believe anything is possible if we put our minds to it!. As Edgar Cayce, the Great Sleeping Prophet said, “the Mind is the Builder and the Body is the Result.” We create our own world; now let’s start to heal it, and it all starts within the self.

True physical healing occurs by healing deep inner traumas, which can be held in any lifetime. Traumas deposit into the current physical body, which acts as a ‘storage facility’ for these traumas, and ailments of all kinds, whether mental, emotional or physical.  Many people fear hypnosis, thinking they will be made perform something involuntarily.  However, true hypnosis is simply a medium by which to access the inner self.  We must heal from within and all healing is done by the Self.

How it’s done – 

Hypnosis using ‘Integrated Imagery’ is simply a guided meditation, with soft, flowing massage music playing in the background.  Much of hypnosis is done today using guided scripting and imagery to help the body gently unwind and relax as well as the mind.  It is not too different than meditating, except that the guide is a real person, hypnotist, to guide you through the experience.  It is a gentle journey through time past or future, led by the client’s Higher Self.  Clients set their own goals and motivators during the interview process and then they are gently guided there on their individual paths.

Thoughts change things in the body and in the mind: we call this base our ‘Belief System.’ Our beliefs or programs affect everything in our lives. They become the patterns of our lives in many ways. Thoughts can make you sick and/or keep you from achieving wellness, especially negative thoughts and patterns. Thoughts are energy, energy is matter – all things are matter. So all things are made up of energy and, therefore, thoughts. The mind is a master programmer and our belief patterns are the result.

Session Contents

Every Integrated Imagery session will be different, as it based upon the client’s needs on that particular day. Clients may go to either past, present or future lifetime events. For example, I’ve had people go to Atlantis, ancient Greece, Roman times, many war scenes, early 1900’s, as well as many lifetimes in various other countries like Russia, England, and Europe during the 1500’s – 1800’s. Anytime is possible to visit, but it’s where ever the client takes us.

Many times there are repetitive dreams, or old traumas, unforgiving memories, accidents, or any changes in their life they want answers to. Some people even explore the reasons why they are here this time, or their ‘Soul Purpose’. I try and help them resolve the hidden issues and traumas, and find their life’s mission.

Becoming Mindful

Mindfulness teaches us to become the innocent bystander as we learn to ‘watch’ our lives go by. By watching life, we are less attached, and more objective about making decisions and less emotional. Emotions are the ‘glue’ that hold everything to us, and creates many of the issues we have throughout this lifetime, or any lifetime. However, one can easily learn to relax and ‘watch’ life. Perfect for people who need stress relief and relaxation.

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