Lightarian Rays™
Lightarian RaysTM – These programs create powerful, permanent energetic connections for you with one Master, who supports you energetically, like a programming running in etherically in the background. After receiving a Lightarian ™ program, you are then a teacher, and can sell these meditations to and meet with them to give them these energies in the same way. All of these meditations include the manual and a guided mediation, Teacher Certificate and registration with the Lightarian Institute.
The Empowerment Ray: It is inspired by Ascended Master Maitreya. It can wake up the spiritual body, and changes the vibrations all throughout the chakra system. The subtle bodies will also change. Note: The Empowerment Ray is required first before the other Rays.
The Clearing Ray: This ray was related by Ascended Master El Morya. This ray creates the cleaning of the etheric fields, in a deep way. It is effective and powerful in clearing out things! The soul programming, will usually change, as well the belief structures, that many souls have carried endlessly. Along with these change, both the emotional and mental planes may also experience changes.
The Healing Ray: The wonderful healing ray is sourced by the powerful energies of Ascended Master Buddha. It should help with holistic self-healing, which is a a powerful process. It should also help to return to balance – the true nature of all healing.
The Manifestation Ray: Sourced by Ascended Master St. Germain, expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels, opening you to attract spiritual, mental, emotional and physical abundance to serve your higher purpose.
The Activation Ray: Sourced by Ascended Master Sananda, activates your latent etheric coding and triggers powerful, ongoing spiritual initiations, allowing more Higher Self energies to flow.
The Source Ray: Sourced by the 12 Divine Virtues and 8 other Ascended Masters, propels you into a unique, highly advanced phase of spiritual development, focused on acceleration of personal ascension. Requirement: Attunement to 5 abovementioned rays.

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