Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) Classes

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Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) Classes 

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is styled in the tradition of Caroline Myss’s “Energy Anatomy”, IET® is a next generation, hands-on, powerful energetic therapy systems that moves issues from tissues. IET® is powerful training in self-healing, releasing traumas and energy therapy certification. Each class includes an attunement process to the powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. It also includes ‘how to heartlink’ to your angel’s energy of and how to use their angelic energy in the healing process. IET® teaches how primary human emotions are correlated to specific areas of the body, and how to use IET® integration power points to clear them. A fully illustrated training guide and certificate are provided with each class. See more at IET Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Classes

No experience necessary!  IET® classes teach ‘how’ to be an ‘energy intuitive’, and you can learn how to ‘feel and interpret energy flow’, clear our karmic energy patterns for yourself and others, and uncover your soul’s true purpose. Nursing CE’s are available for different states.  

Know your Teacher – Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP,  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, and well experience at performing meditations since her brand of hypnosis is a very strong type of meditation!  

Basic Level IET – 9:30am-5:00pm

The basic training class is a one day certified class that includes:
• Basic IET® energy ray Attunement – activates the 1st and 2nd DNA pairs and will empower you to energize and integrate cellular memory blocks
• Location and use of the IET® energy integration power points
• Introduction to IET®’s Energy Anatomy and the Cellular Memory Map
• Increase in your ability to be an energy intuitive and “read” energy.  
See more at IET Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Classes

Intermediate Level IET – 9:30am-5:00pm

The intermediate training is a one day class that includes:
• Attunement to Intermediate IET energy ray that will activate the 3rd and 4th DNA pairs and will empower you to pull energy imprints out of the human energy field
• Learn to clear energy imprints resulting from past life karma
• Methods to “esoterically dowse” and interpret the blockages in the human energy field.
See more at IET Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Classes

Advanced Level IET – 9:30am-5:00pm

The advanced training class is a one day class that includes:
• Attunement to the Advanced IET energy ray which unlocks the 5th DNA pair and activates the energy of your soul’s purpose
• Ability to do a “Soul Star” clearing to activate your soul’s purpose.
• Use of the Heartnet process to manifest your dream.
• Use of the powerful energy wave technique to clear resistance.
• Build Heartbeams to anchor angelic energy into the Earth.
See more at IET Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Classes

IET ® Registration and Payment  

• Repeat all three as the Basic/Intensive for half current, regular per class pricing, including all attunements, or just Repeat just 1 class level for 1/2 price at current, regular per class pricing.
• Teacher’s Assistant is half price (repeat price) but includes repeat of all attunements and basic teaching recommendations.
• All Health for Life, LLC Basic, Intermediate and Advanced IET classes can be repeated as stated above.
• Cash, debit/credit cards accepted – American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Visa
• No Checks
• No refunds
All prices on this website supercedes any and all other prices offered anywhere
See and pricing and book: 
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IET® Healing Pets – 9:30am-4:00pm, 1 day  

Prerequisite:  Basic IET® Certification

IET® Healing Pets is an all day class and includes:

•  The Soul’s mission of the three types of animals:    
dogs, cats, horses.
•  Clearing the cellular memory areas of the animal.
•   Their IET integration points.
•  Step-by-Step session procedures.
•   Includes a 38 page book – “The Integrated Energy Therapy IET® for Pets Guide” and also a Certificate.

Know your Teacher – Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP,  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, and well experience at performing meditations since her brand of hypnosis is a very strong type of meditation!  

IET® Healing Angels of the Field – 9:30am-4:00pm, 1 day  

Creator of Integrated Energy Therapy® Stevan J. Thayer had many angels join with him and offered their healing gifts. He understands the angels each brought a unique gift of healing and are delighted to be invited to offer you their healing gifts. He documented his work in “The Healing Angels of the Energy Field”. This book identifies one healing angel for each area of the energy anatomy. It also provides a wonderful channeled message from each healing angel.

You can call upon these healing angels whenever you need healing support. If you support others in their self-healing through energy therapies like Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Massage or other techniques, the Healing Angels can add a special spiritual dimension to your sessions. This course will enable you to join together with other students and work as a team meeting and working with the Healing Angels. You will learn how to call upon the healing angels with a special prayer of invitation. You will then learn how to use an angelic heartlink to connect with the angels’ energy. You will discover the special healing gifts that each angel brings and you will invite each of the healing angels to support you in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing journey.

Know your Teacher – Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP,  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, and well experience at performing meditations since her brand of hypnosis is a very strong type of meditation!  

2024 Dates – Healing Angels of the Field

To be Determined.

Registration and Payment

• Healing Angels of the Energy Field (HA) – 9:30 – 4:00  
• Cash, debit/credit cards accepted – American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Visa
• No Checks please and No refunds
All prices is on SquareUp  

IET® Steps to Transformation, Part I – Steps 1 – 7 9:30am -5:00pm, 1 day 

Creator of Integrated Energy Therapy® Stevan J. Thayer has done it again! He and the angels brought to us these wonderful, healing steps to transform our consciousness and uplift our emotions, body and spirit! Learn to heal and help others as you raise your own consciousness by attending and receiving these Steps to Power! Offered as a full-day class of Steps 1 – 7, OR, in 1 – 2 hour increments for each step separately and via either Skype or Phone sessions. They can be purchased either way and there are no prerequisites! All students who attend the full-day class will receive the manual and certificate; anyone who orders all 7 steps will also receive the manual and certificate. Join us and take this powerful, healing journey!

The Earth and all humans are now experience great energy shifts – for some of us, this equates to lots of healing and clearing of the physical, emotional, spiritual and energy bodies. For some people, this is quite an undertaking and many may suffer throughout this period and the physical may give out, or move on. These are ‘Steps’ from Angel Ariel and Stevan to assist us humans to heal ourselves, others and the Earth herself so we can all ‘move forward’ once again with this planet! Come and experience the wonderful healing and clearings powers of these Steps either in a one day class, or separately, at your own level.

NO experience necessary and NO prerequisites – in true Stevan fashion, easy and timeless for all to enjoy these frequencies!
Step 1 – HeartLink with Your Angel(s)
Step 2 – Activate Your 12-Strand DNA
Step 3 – Clear Your Karma with the Energy of the Angels
Step 4 – Achieve True Forgiveness
Step 5 – Empower Your Heart
Step 6 – Journey to a Future Lifetime
Step 7 – Cut Your Cords of CoDependency For some experience clearing and healing work, there may be a resulting slight detox on the physical level. This is the same with all clearing and healing work no matter what method we healers use. Includes mundras for connecting as well.

Know your Teacher – Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP,  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, and well experience at performing meditations since her brand of hypnosis is a very strong type of meditation!  

Registration and Payment 

   Book Now

• IET® Steps to Transformation, Part I – Steps 1 – 7 Or Part II, Steps 8 – 14 
• Each individual Step is also priced about 1 – 2 hours of training for $45 each step, which can be done via phone and/or virtually or in person in a group – when available
• Cash, debit/credit cards accepted – American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Visa
• No Checks please and No refunds
All prices on this website supercede any and all other prices offered anywhere IET Steps to Transformation – Steps 1 – 7 virtually

IET® Steps to Transformation, Part II – Steps 8 – 14 Higher Steps – 9:30 am-5:00 pm, 1 day

Offered as a full-day class of Steps 8 – 14, or, in 1 – 2 hour increments for each step separately and via either Skype or Phone sessions. They can be purchased either way and there are no prerequisites! All students who attend the full-day class will receive the manual and certificate; anyone who orders all these 6 Higher Steps will also receive the certificate. Join us and take this powerful, healing journey! NO experience necessary and NO prerequisites – in true Stevan fashion, easy and timeless for all to enjoy these frequencies!

Step 8 – World Angel Grid (WAG) Phase 2 – Healing
Step 9 – World Angel Grid (WAG) Phase 3 – Pure -Joy
Step 10 – World Angel Grid (WAG) Phase 4 – Compassion
Step 11 – Homecoming – Journey to Unity
Step 12 – Unity in Action – The Crystal Key
Step 13 – The IET Ascension Process
Step 14 –  Being Love , Living Love

   Book Now

Know your Teacher – Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt, C.NLP,  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, and well experience at performing meditations since her brand of hypnosis is a very strong type of meditation!  

Registration and Payment 

• IET® Steps to Transformation, Part I – Steps 1 – 7 or Part II – Higher Steps 8 – 14 
• OR, Each individual Step is priced about 1 – 2 hours of training which can be done via phone and/or Skype or in person in a group – when available
• Cash, debit/credit cards accepted – American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Visa • No Checks please and No refunds
All prices on this website supercede any and all other prices offered anywhere

Contact Helen Now!         703-851-7954

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Disclaimer and Refund Policy – NO HEALTH CLAIMS ARE MADE and user accepts any associated risks.
Disclaimer:   Helen Bramow is NOT medical and does not diagnose nor treats medically. No course, service, or product offered by Health for Life, LLC or its duly authorized representatives is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference, to be a substitute or replacement for competent, traditional, licensed, professional medical care. There are no guarantees on any service or product, unless stated otherwise. Shipping: Domestic: Product totals less than $40, shipping is $9.00. For product totals $40.00 or more, shipping is $13.00. Shipping prices, as well as services prices, are prone to change periodically. NO REFUNDS:  Health for Life, LLC has a strict No Refund Policy. Prices listed on the Internet are subject to owner’s discretion and may change. Class/Event Refunds: Deposits/payments are non-refundable but can be applied towards a future class/event, if notice is given within 2 weeks prior to the event.


Health For Life, LLC
Purcellville  VA

15 North King Street, 3rd Floor
Leesburg, VA  20176

Virtual – Zoom & Distance


Health for Life, LLC
Leesburg & Purcellville, VA

© Sept. 2015 – Health For Life, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Class & Events Refund Policy

Deposits/payments are non-refundable but can be applied towards a future class/event, if notice is given 2 weeks prior to the event start date.

Domestic Shipping Policy

Shipping – Domestic Policy: Product totals less than $40, shipping is $9.00. For product totals $40.00 or more, shipping is $13.00. Shipping prices, as well as services prices, do change periodically. Health for Life, LLC has a strict No Refund Policy. Prices listed on the Internet are subject to owner’s discretion and may change.

Disclaimer Policy

Disclaimer Policy: NO HEALTH CLAIMS ARE MADE and user accepts any associated risks, AND freely chooses their own practitioners and remedies.

No course, service, or product offered by Health for Life, LLC or its duly authorized representatives is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference, to be a substitute or replacement for competent, traditional, licensed, professional medical care. There are NO guarantees and NO Refunds, on any service, product or event/class.

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