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Health For Life, LLC
Purcellville  VA

15 North King Street, 3rd Floor
Leesburg, VA  20176

Virtual – Zoom & Distance


Health for Life, LLC
Leesburg & Purcellville, VA

© Sept. 2015 – Health For Life, LLC. All rights reserved.

Affiliate Notice

We may earn money or products from the
companies mentioned on this website and in our posts.


Class & Events Refund Policy

Deposits/payments are non-refundable but can be applied towards a future class/event, if notice is given 2 weeks prior to the event start date.

Domestic Shipping Policy

Shipping – Domestic Policy: Product totals less than $40, shipping is $9.00. For product totals $40.00 or more, shipping is $13.00. Shipping prices, as well as services prices, do change periodically. Health for Life, LLC has a strict No Refund Policy. Prices listed on the Internet are subject to owner’s discretion and may change.

Disclaimer Policy

Disclaimer Policy: NO HEALTH CLAIMS ARE MADE and user accepts any associated risks, AND freely chooses their own practitioners and remedies.

No course, service, or product offered by Health for Life, LLC or its duly authorized representatives is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference, to be a substitute or replacement for competent, traditional, licensed, professional medical care. There are NO guarantees and NO Refunds, on any service, product or event/class.

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